You are not required to finish your work, yet neither are you permitted to desist from it.”
                        –   Perkei Avot “Ethics of the Fathers”

This year , through readings, films , webinars, conferences, guest speakers and deep meaningful discussions :

  • We learned Truth is not obvious.
  • We learned to read widely in order to educate ourselves toward a greater understanding of how we got to where we are today.
  • We learned to Listen with Intention.
  • We learned to NOT be defensive.
  • We learned to examine our own Implicit and Explicit Biases.
  • We learned to check our Privilege.
  • We learned to understand we can never fully know what another person’s experience has been, but we can open our hearts and minds to listen and learn.
  • We learned the importance and value of sharing our Stories.
  • We learned that “some are guilty, but all are responsible “.
  • We learned that at some point we need to stop talking and take ACTION!

Vicki Stein Prusnofsky

Racism is one of the subjects we studied.