Our services are informal, with many opportunities to sing and participate.
Shabbat Evening
A sweet and joyful gathering for Shabbat prayers, blessings and music. Services are brief, with a potluck supper afterward.

Shabbat Morning
Our services are informal and grounded in the traditional service structure, using the Reconstructionist prayer book. Services are largely in Hebrew with English readings, poems and teachings woven in. Often we include a short meditation or an opportunity for congregants to share things they are grateful for.
We love to sing together and we encourage participation, as well as lay leadership in many aspects of the service.
Explore online resources for lay leaders
Understanding Torah and its connection to our lives is very important to us. At the close of services, there is a lively “Lunch and Learn” discussion group focusing on the day’s Torah portion.
View our High Holiday service schedule here >
High Holy Days are a time for the spiritual work of teshuva – returning to our best selves. Our tone is meditative and contemplative. Recognizing the diversity of backgrounds and tastes, we offer two styles of services:
Traditional High Holy Day Services
Services are largely in Hebrew with traditional nusach (musical style) and the Reconstructionist machzor is used. Congregants participate actively in many ways, including singing along, chanting Torah and Haftarah and leading English readings.
Family Services
Family-friendly services are offered on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

We hold Evening Festival services that include Yizkor. For festivals that fall on Shabbat, we include Yizkor in the Shabbat/Festival morning service. We also hold an extremely popular, festive Chanukah celebration, including dinner prepared by our Sisterhood, and a fun Purim megillah reading, complete with costumes. Our Yom Hashoah and Tisha B’av commemorations are solemn and moving.